Friday, April 6, 2012


   I am using two different products to try and help my shoulder. First is The 7 Step Rotator Cuff Treatment System and the second is an essential oil.

   The 7 Step Rotator Cuff Treatment System is a book.

   For about $47 it comes with both the hard copy and the eBook. It takes a slightly different approach then normal rotator cuff treatments. Instead of doing exercises at the beginning of your treatment, they try to heal the injury first, get you back in tune with your whole body, and strengthen both your shoulder and the muscles around it.

   I also downloaded a few other stretching handbooks onto my iPad for future use when I get to the step that I am supposed to start stretching. These come from the same page that you download the eBook from.

   The first step in this book is for those who have injured their shoulder within the last 3 days. It involves immediate pain relief. Since my injury is not recent, I started on step 2.

   Step 2 involves applying heat and massaging your shoulder 2-3 times a day.

   The other product that I am using is Deep Relief roll-on essential oil from Young Living. I am applying it every time I am finished massaging and heating my shoulder.

   That's a quick explanation of the products that I am using. Again, I do not have the copyright to these products, I am just a consumer trying to create a healing journal for myself.

Next post: Day 1-4

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